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Save for the future and get the estimated interest insights now using this online PPF calculator, with easy calculation. Also, save you from paying huge taxes on your savings.

Yearly Investment*
Please enter yearly investment
Please enter greater than ₹ 0 yearly investment
Please enter less than ₹ 100000000 yearly investment

₹ 0

₹ 10 Cr

Rate of Interest*
Please enter intrest rate
Please enter greater than 0% intrest rate
Please enter less than 51% intrest rate



Time Period*
Please enter time period
Please enter time period
Please enter time period

15 Year

30 Years

Invested Amount
₹ 0 /-
Total Interest
₹ 0 /-
Maturity Value
₹ 0 /-



Get Interest Insights

This online computing tool allows users to get insight into the interest amount they can earn by investing a certain amount of money for a particular time.

Tax Saving

Our PPF calculator makes the calculation easy, helps you determine the tax liability, and saves you from paying a hefty amount.

Decide Maturity Period

The online PPF calculator eases the process of deciding the maturity period for your investment.



Yes, you are eligible to transfer your PPF account from one branch/office to another branch/office.
The maturity period for your PPF investment is 15 years, and you are liable to withdraw your entire amount after this period.
Yes. You can extend your PPF tenure investment as many times as you wish after the maturity period.
Yes, you can close your PPF account after five years. However, some other factors need to meet for closing the PPF account.