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Company Address Amendment (within State)

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A company's registered office in India must be registered with the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA); the other branches and offices can be opened by a company without any prior intimation to the Registrars of Companies (ROC). If there is a change of address in a company's registered office, the ROC must be notified within 15 days. If the company wants to change the registered office, then the company needs to file a form INC22 with the MCA. It should be filed within 30 days of passing the board resolution. Suppose the company wants to change the registered office from the jurisdiction of one ROC to another. In that case, the company has to apply for the approval of the Regional Director as prescribed in Form INC-23. Get your Company Address Amendment (within State) from Legal251 in no time, without any hassle. Our team of experts will be with you every step of the way to make sure everything is done correctly and quickly. Make the most of your business legally with Legal 251 – it's fast, easy, and reliable.

  How to apply 


Compliance with Legal Requirements

By amending the company's address to reflect the current registered office, you ensure compliance with legal requirements. It helps maintain accurate and up-to-date information in official records, which is necessary for regulatory compliance and communication with government agencies, shareholders, and other stakeholders.

Official Documentation

A properly amended company address ensures that official documents, such as the certificate of incorporation or registration, accurately reflect the current registered office address. This helps prevent any confusion or discrepancies when presenting such documents to third parties, financial institutions, or regulatory bodies.

Smooth Communication

Updating the registered office address ensures that all important communications, notices, and legal documents reach the company promptly. It allows for efficient communication with government authorities, customers, suppliers, and other business partners, minimising the risk of missed correspondence or delays.

Legal Notice Delivery

An amended company address ensures that any legal notices or summons are delivered to the correct address. This is crucial for ensuring the company is promptly informed of any legal proceedings, allowing it to take appropriate action within the specified timeframes.

Maintaining Good Standing

An accurate registered office address demonstrates the company's commitment to compliance and professionalism. It helps maintain the company's good standing and reputation, as stakeholders perceive it as a well-managed and legally compliant entity.

Avoiding Penalties and Consequences

Failing to amend the company address in a timely manner may result in penalties, fines, or other consequences imposed by regulatory authorities. By promptly updating the address, you avoid potential legal and financial repercussions that may arise from non-compliance.

Business Continuity

Accurate and up-to-date company address information ensures business continuity. It helps ensure that essential documents, correspondence, and regulatory notifications reach the company's designated office without disruption. This is particularly important during important transactions, audits, or legal processes.

Enhancing Professionalism

Keeping the company's address current enhances its overall professionalism and credibility. It demonstrates attention to detail, adherence to legal requirements, and a commitment to maintaining accurate business records. This can positively impact the company's reputation and relationships with clients, partners, and investors.

  Registration Process 

To keep you risk-free, our team will analyze your submitted documents, looking for any misleading or incorrect information.

Our professionals are here to help you with document requirements and licensing necessities.

Once the process of preparing the amendment form, supporting documents, and other formalities is completed successfully by our team, we’ll update you.

After submitting the Amendment Application and paying the fee, you must be patient until we confirm that the regulatory authority has approved the amendment.

We’ll share the confirmation of the amendment approved by the regulatory authority, reflecting the new registered office address.



A Company Address Amendment (within State) refers to the process of changing the registered office address of a company within the same state or territory where it is registered. This amendment is typically required when a company moves to a new location within the same jurisdiction.
The processing time for a Company Address Amendment (within State) can vary depending on the jurisdiction and the workload of the regulatory authority. It's advisable to check the estimated processing time provided by the authority or consult with them directly for a more accurate timeline.
The specific documents required for a Company Address Amendment (within State) can vary depending on the jurisdiction. However, common documents may include:
  • Completed amendment form or application.
  • Supporting documents, such as proof of the new address (e.g., lease agreement, utility bill).
  • Any additional documents specified by the regulatory authority.
The submission process for a Company Address Amendment (within State) varies by jurisdiction. It typically involves submitting the completed amendment form and supporting documents to the relevant regulatory authority. This can be done through online portals, mail, or in-person submission, depending on the options provided by the authority.
Yes, there are usually fees associated with the Company Address Amendment (within State). The fee amount can vary depending on the jurisdiction and the specific amendment being made. It's important to check the official website of the regulatory authority or contact them directly to determine the applicable fees.
There are several reasons why you may need to amend the company address, including:
  • Relocating to a new office within the same state or territory.
  • Ensuring compliance with legal requirements to maintain accurate records.
  • Facilitating smooth communication with government authorities, stakeholders, and customers.
Yes, it's important to inform relevant parties about the company address amendment. This includes updating the new address on company letterheads, business cards, website, and notifying customers, suppliers, financial institutions, and other stakeholders of the change. It's also essential to update any applicable government registrations, licences, and permits with the new address.
The complexity of the Company Address Amendment (within State) process can vary based on the jurisdiction. While some amendments can be done by the company's authorised representative, it's advisable to consult legal and business professionals to ensure compliance with applicable laws and regulations. They can provide guidance and assistance throughout the amendment process.

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